webpack 升级4.x vue 渲染出错 - Go语言中文社区

webpack 升级4.x vue 渲染出错

webpack 升级4.x vue 渲染出错


webpack4.x 更新
webpack 对于import 的语法实现更新
注:import 是 ES6标准,但不是服务器端node 的标准,这里webpack相当于解析器,变相支持 import 语法,但不是说node环境支持import 语法.
从webpack 4.x 起 import 返回值 始终为一个对象.
但是vue 渲染只支持 template 或者 render function.


vue-loader 尤大 的说明

Breaking Changes
The esModule option is now true by default, because this is necessary for ES-module-based scope hoisting to work. This means the export from a *.vue file is now an ES module by default, so async components via dynamic import like this will break:
const Foo = () => import('./Foo.vue')
Note: the above can continue to work with Vue 2.4 + vue-router 2.7, which will automatically resolve ES modules' default exports when dealing with async components. In earlier versions of Vue and vue-router you will have to do this:
const Foo = () => import('./Foo.vue').then(m => m.default)
/*Alternatively, you can turn off the new behavior by explicitly using esModule: false in vue-loader options.

Similarly, old CommonJS-style requires will also need to be updated:
// before
const Foo = require('./Foo.vue')

// after
const Foo = require('./Foo.vue').default
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  • 发表于 2020-02-25 01:24:21
  • 阅读 ( 1407 )
  • 分类:前端

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