Require.js Error: Load timeout for modules: backbone,jquerymobile - Go语言中文社区

Require.js Error: Load timeout for modules: backbone,jquerymobile

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I am trying to use r.js to optimize my code but I keep running to this error:

Tracing dependencies for: init

Error: Load timeout for modules: backbone,jquerymobile

The command I am running is this:

$ java -classpath /Users/dixond/build-tools/rhino1_7R4/js.jar:/Users/dixond/build-tools/closurecompiler/compiler.jar /Users/dixond/build-tools/r.js/dist/r.js -o /Users/dixond/Sites/omm_mobile/js/build.js

My build.js file looks like this:

( {
    //appDir: "some/path/",
    baseUrl : ".",
    mainConfigFile : 'init.js',
    paths : {
        jquery : 'libs/jquery-1.8.3.min',
        backbone : 'libs/backbone.0.9.9',
        underscore : 'libs/underscore-1.4.3',
        json2 : 'libs/json2',
        jquerymobile : 'libs/'
    packages : [],
    shim : {
        jquery : {
            exports : 'jQuery'
        jquerymobile : {
            deps : ['jquery'],
            exports : ''
        underscore : {
            exports : '_'
        backbone : {
            deps : ['jquerymobile', 'jquery', 'underscore'],
            exports : 'Backbone'
    keepBuildDir : true,
    locale : "en-us",
    optimize : "closure",
    skipDirOptimize : false,
    generateSourceMaps : false,
    normalizeDirDefines : "skip",
    uglify : {
        toplevel : true,
        ascii_only : true,
        beautify : true,
        max_line_length : 1000,
        defines : {
            DEBUG : ['name', 'false']

        no_mangle : true
    uglify2 : {},
    closure : {
        CompilerOptions : {},
        CompilationLevel : 'SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS',
        loggingLevel : 'WARNING'
    cssImportIgnore : null,
    inlineText : true,
    useStrict : false,
    pragmas : {
        fooExclude : true
    pragmasOnSave : {
        //Just an example
        excludeCoffeeScript : true
    has : {
        'function-bind' : true,
        'string-trim' : false
    hasOnSave : {
        'function-bind' : true,
        'string-trim' : false
    //namespace: 'foo',
    skipPragmas : false,
    skipModuleInsertion : false,
    optimizeAllPluginResources : false,
    findNestedDependencies : false,
    removeCombined : false,
    name : "init",
    out : "main-built.js",
    wrap : {
        start : "(function() {",
        end : "}());"
    preserveLicenseComments : true,
    logLevel : 0,
    cjsTranslate : true,
    useSourceUrl : true

And my init.js looks like this:

      paths: {
          jquery:       'libs/jquery-1.8.3.min',
          backbone:     'libs/backbone.0.9.9',
          underscore:   'libs/underscore-1.4.3',
          json2 :       'libs/json2',
          jquerymobile: 'libs/'

      //shimming enables loading non-AMD modules
      //define dependencies and an export object
      shim: {
          jquerymobile: {
              deps: ['jquery'],
              exports: ''
          underscore: {
              exports: '_'
          backbone: {
              deps: ['jquerymobile', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'json2'],
              exports: 'Backbone'

requirejs(["backbone",], function(Backbone) {
    //Execute code here

What am I doing wrong in this build process?

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I have the same problem , but only happens in chrome , in your case too ? –  Lucas Roselli Jul 15 at 13:52

Require.js has a Config option called waitSeconds. This may help.

RequireJS waitSeconds

Here's an example where waitSeconds is used:

    baseUrl: "scripts",
    enforceDefine: true,
    urlArgs: "bust=" + (new Date()).getTime(),
    waitSeconds: 200,
    paths: {
        "jquery": "libs/jquery-1.8.3",
        "underscore": "libs/underscore",
        "backbone": "libs/backbone"
    shim: {
        "underscore": {
            deps: [],
            exports: "_"
        "backbone": {
            deps: ["jquery", "underscore"],
            exports: "Backbone"

define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone"],
    function ($, _, Backbone) {
        console.log("Test output");
        console.log("$: " + typeof $);
        console.log("_: " + typeof _);
        console.log("Backbone: " + typeof Backbone);
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Thanks! I was having the same problem but I didn't think that it was actually a timeout issue. It must be due to the size or complexity of jQuery because the error only occurs when a dependency is declared on jQuery. Changing waitSeconds to something larger allowed the build to complete successfully. –  Peter RebholzJan 14 '13 at 14:47
I can confirm this. We have a bigger project with several dependencies to large libraries. With requireJS 2.0.6, that was fine. requireJS 2.1.4 however runs into the timeout. A higher value for waitSeconds solved it. –  phammer Jan 25 '13 at 11:07
Just opened a pull request to update the build.js example of require.js so that people become faster aware of the parameter. See –  phammer Jan 25 '13 at 11:36
Thanks! This helped me. I wonder, are most folks using a non-default value for this property? Is 200 pretty common? What about 0? –  Josh Schultz Feb 12 '13 at 17:00 
I also get a timeout in iOS/Safari (and not iOS/Chrome!) when loading the first time after cache is cleared. Backbone views fail to load with timeout. Setting waitSeconds really high does not help. My require() call includes 8 modules, each of which include 2 - 3 of their own modules (some being text! templates). If I reduce the 8 modules to 5, things load fine under iOS/Safari. I've checked the file paths as well as for syntax errors a dozen times. –  Chad Johnson Apr 29 '13 at 17:55 

The Error

I recently had a very similar issue with an angularJS project using requireJS.

I'm using Chrome canary build (Version 34.0.1801.0 canary) but also had a stable version installed (Version 32.0.1700.77) showing the exact same issue when loading the app with Developer console open:

Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules

The developer console is key here since I didn't get the error when the console wasn't open. I tried resetting all chrome settings, uninstalling any plugin, ... nothing helped so far.

The Solution

The big pointer was a Google group discussion (see resources below) about the waitSeconds config option. Setting that to 0 solved my issue. I wouldn't check this in since this just sets the timeout to infinite. But as a fix during development this is just fine. Example config:

<script src="scripts/require.js"></script>
    baseUrl: "/another/path",
    paths: {
      "some": "some/v1.0"
    waitSeconds: 0
  require( ["some/module", "my/module", "a.js", "b.js"],
    function(someModule,    myModule) {
      //This function will be called when all the dependencies
      //listed above are loaded. Note that this function could
      //be called before the page is loaded.
      //This callback is optional.

Most common other causes for this error are:

  • errors in modules
  • wrong paths in configuration (check paths and baseUrl option)
  • double entry in config

More Resources

Troubleshooting page from requireJS: point 2, 3 and 4 can be of interest.

Similar SO question: Ripple - Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: app

A related Google groups discussion:!topic/requirejs/70HQXxNylYg

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The default value for waitSeconds = 7 (7 Seconds)

If set to 0, timeout is completely disabled.


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In case others have this issue and still struggling with it (like I was), this problem can also arise from circular dependencies, e.g. A depends on B, and B depends on A.

The RequireJS docs don't mention that circular dependencies can cause the "Load timeout" error, but I've now observed it for two different circular dependencies.

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How did you go about identifying circular issues? Did you have to go through each defined module? – Paul Redmond Sep 30 '14 at 22:34
My issue came up when I added and changed some modules, so I was able to go through those changes, track down which added dependencies created the circular dependency loop, and remove them. –  Aaron Oct 3 '14 at 20:02
xrayquire (a tool by requirejs) can check for circular dependencies –  Druska Jan 28 at 14:51
observed when loading a module A inside a callback function from another module B which required module A –  Jochen Bedersdorfer May 28 at 7:27

I only get this error when running tests on Mobile Safari 6.0.0 (iOS 6.1.4). waitSeconds: 0 has given me a successful build for now. I'll update if my build fails on this again

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thats 2 in a row! –  Adam Spence Aug 15 '14 at 11:09

check you have done something like this

require(["Q", "jquery"], function (Q, $) {

this should be

require(["q", "jquery"], function (Q, $) {

because we have to load all q js with that name as it's since all module load by q do not enter any reference other than "q" (or name that your q js file.)

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