layer.use 遮罩_更新您的iPhone以在iOS 13.5中进行人脸ID遮罩检测 - Go语言中文社区

layer.use 遮罩_更新您的iPhone以在iOS 13.5中进行人脸ID遮罩检测

layer.use 遮罩

layer.use 遮罩

User unlocking iPhone with Passcode while wearing mask without Face ID
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

In the time of coronavirus and contact tracing, even unlocking your iPhone with Face ID can be a hassle. Starting with iOS 13.5, Apple is going to make the process of opening your iPhone while wearing a mask easier, but not in the way you might expect.

冠状病毒和联系人跟踪期间 ,即使使用Face ID解锁iPhone也可能很麻烦。 从iOS 13.5开始,Apple将使戴着面具的iPhone的打开过程更加轻松,但并非您所期望的那样。

什么是iPhone上的遮罩检测? (What Is Mask Detection on iPhone?)

The iOS 13.5 update makes some changes to the iPhone’s unlocking process on newer phones that don’t include a fingerprint sensor. Instead of spending 3 to 5 seconds scanning your face to biometrically unlock your handset, the moment a mask is detected, your iPhone will drop you into the passcode screen.

iOS 13.5更新对不包含指纹传感器的较新手机的iPhone解锁过程进行了一些更改。 无需花费3到5秒钟来扫描面部以生物识别方式解锁手机,而是在检测到遮罩后,iPhone会将您带到密码屏幕。

Apple made this change to its mobile operating system because Face ID uses data points gained from mapping your entire face. Unfortunately, that technology can’t just be changed to adapt to our new mask-toting lives.

Apple对其移动操作系统进行了更改,因为Face ID使用通过映射整个面部而获得的数据点。 不幸的是,不能仅仅为了适应我们新的口罩戴面具的生活而改变该技术。

Enter Passcode screen on iPhone with Face ID

It’s also important to note that this new behavior is only for when your iPhone detects you’re wearing a mask. If your face is visible when you swipe up, your iPhone will still spend a couple of seconds trying to find your face.

还需要注意的是,此新行为仅适用于iPhone检测到您戴着口罩的情况。 如果向上滑动时可以看到您的脸,iPhone仍然会花费几秒钟的时间来寻找您的脸。

The Face ID Mask Detection feature is rolling out globally and will be enabled automatically once you update to iOS 13.5. Unfortunately, if you’re not a fan, there is no way to disable this feature either.

人脸ID遮罩检测功能正在全球范围内推出,并且在您更新到iOS 13.5后将自动启用。 不幸的是,如果您不是粉丝,也无法禁用此功能。

If you haven’t already, it’s time to update your iPhone.

如果您还没有, 那么该该更新您的iPhone了

Masks是否可以与旧的iOS版本一起使用? (Will Masks Work with Older iOS Versions?)

Before iOS 13.5, when you swiped up wearing a mask, you’d still see the “Face ID” scanning text for 3 to 5 seconds before it gave up and asked you to enter the passcode.

在iOS 13.5之前,戴着口罩向上滑动时,您仍然会看到“ Face ID”扫描文本3至5秒钟,然后才放弃并要求您输入密码。

You can try to set up an alternative appearance with the mask folded in half to get around it, but the results are going to be murky at best.

您可以尝试将面罩对折以对折,以建立另一种外观 ,但效果最好是模糊不清的。


layer.use 遮罩

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  • 发表于 2021-05-19 02:47:27
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