Go-Out of the box, one-click installation on the WEB interface, no project experience, you can use this to practice hands - Go语言中文社区

Go-Out of the box, one-click installation on the WEB interface, no project experience, you can use this to practice hands

Installation interface

After starting the program, the installation interface will automatically open in the browser.


Because the program will use Redis and MySQL , please enter the Redis and MySQL configuration information before installation, and click the initialization button to initialize the used data table and default data. You can see the initialization log information on the right.


As above, after the initialization is successful, restart the program and the login interface will automatically open in the browser.

login interface

Enter the default account number admin and password admin to log in successfully.

Dashboard interface

Display project information, memory information, hard disk information, CPU information, etc.

Configuration Information -> Alarm Email

Here you can configure the sender and recipient of system alarms, and send email notifications Panic

Configuration Information -> Error Code

Display the error codes defined in the system.

Code Generator -> Generate Data Table CURD

On the left, you can select single or multiple data tables for code generation.

Code Generator -> Generate Controller Method

You can set the name handler be generated on the left.

Authorized caller -> caller

Set up who can call my interface, and also authorize which interfaces to call me.

Authorized caller -> Instructions

System Administrator -> Administrator

To set who can log in to the background, you can perform operations such as disable, reset password, menu authorization, offline, deleted, etc.

System Administrator -> Menu Management

Set the menu of the background sidebar.

Query Assistant -> Query Cache

Query the Redis , and you can also clear the cache at the same time.

Query Assistant -> Query Data

Query MySQL data, support input SQL statement execution and analysis.

Utility Toolbox -> Service Upgrade

Different versions provide corresponding upgrade instructions.

Utility Toolbox -> Hashids

In the program, ciphertext is used id

Utility Toolbox -> Call Log

Show the latest 100 call logs.

Utility Toolbox -> Interface Document

Utility Toolbox -> GraphQL

Utility Toolbox -> Interface Index

According to the index, a similar index chart Grafana

project address

Source address


// 下载后直接运行
$ git clone https://github.com/xinliangnote/go-gin-api
$ cd go-gin-api
$ go run main.go -env fat  // -env fat 表示为测试环境

Online documentation


Nothing, just for fun~

The article is so long, the old iron who sees this is definitely a real fan. I will report to you that a new knowledge planet (1 day ball age) has been built, cough... Let’s say it first, it’s currently in the trial operation stage. Can't be difficult to say, um... It's really hard to say...

There I will share some things that I think are okay (maybe shared from other places), such as career development, technology, creative discovery, other... etc. I will also invite some friends to join, all It's an ordinary hit worker, nothing unusual.

There I will not promise to bring you how many gains, because maybe everyone is better than me. By the way, I am a chicken, no doubt.

Actually, there is nothing, just for fun~

By the way, I also set the joining method to [paid], and I don’t know who gave me the courage.

版权声明:本文来源Segmentfault,感谢博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 by-sa 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。
  • 发表于 2021-06-13 16:06:25
  • 阅读 ( 1244 )
  • 分类:Go

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