python指纹识别算法,指纹比对/识别算法/实现 - Go语言中文社区


Throughout this day I've been investing time into fingerprint matching/recognition algorithms/implementations in the world of programming. Though it's a bit of a vague because I can't seem to find anything really related.

I'm basically looking for two next things:

Fingerprint recognition: verify that the image is actually a fingerprint and so can be matched with another fingerprint

Fingerprint matching: match two fingerprint from items to see if the actually are equal

All operations will be done on images, so I don't have anything to do with hardware. I've found a few things such as the Java Fingerprint SDK, etc and also found almost duplicate questions on Stackoverflow but they are either outdated or are not really clear.

Could anyone point me a direction to algorithms/implementations (open source) who can do these two things? I want to implement it myself in Python in the end.


try this open-source library by Robert Vazan.

it's a .net implementation and java port is in progress.

Sample code also present if you checkout their mercurial repo from the development branch. (read-only)

Kind regards,

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  • 发表于 2023-01-02 21:22:21
  • 阅读 ( 336 )
  • 分类:算法

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